Inclusion Policy

All applications in the repository must be free software.
We do accept binary apk into the repo as long as they are free.

For open source software that we are asked to build, please note:

  • We cannot build apps using Google’s proprietary “play-services”. Please talk to upstream about an untainted build flavor (either using microg or removing Non-Free dependencies completely).
  • We cannot build apps using proprietary tracking/analytic dependencies like Crashlytics and Firebase. Please talk to upstream about an untainted build flavor (either using a FLOSS analytics software like ACRA or by removing Non-Free dependencies completely).
  • We cannot build apps using proprietary ad libraries. We have nothing against advertisments, but they must be provided by a FLOSS compatible way.
  • We cannot build apps requiring non-free buildtools, including Oracle’s JDK or some pre-release toolchains.


  • The source code for the application must be maintained in a publicly accessible Version Control System which we have support for (git, hg, svn, bzr), and the source code needs to be maintained in an up to date state.
  • The software should not download additional executable binary files (e.g. Non-Free addons, auto-updates, etc).
  • The software should use its own unique Android package ID. Where the application is a fork of another (even one not included in the NetHunter repository) it must have a new ID, different from the original.
  • Although not ideal, “non-functional” assets (e.g. artwork) may be acceptable under less permissive licenses than functional code - an example would be artwork assets that are licensed only for use with that particular game. In any case though, they must be included under some kind of license, and not be copyright violations.
  • Trademarks must not be infringed, and any other legal requirements must be adhered to.
  • Kali NetHunter does not sign up for any API keys. Even if provided by a third party, we include them in both, binary and sourcecode releases.
  • Binary dependencies such as JAR files have to be replaced by source-built versions or used from a trusted repository (see manual).


  • Releases should be clearly tagged (or otherwise marked).

Some software, while being Free and Open Source, may engage in practices which are undesirable to some or all users. Where possible, we still include these applications in the repository, but they are flagged with the appropriate Anti-Features. Even though such software can be included, when appropriately flagged, it is frequently the case that other “FLOSS” software with these features is actually not entirely free. For example, advertising and spying on user is often enabled via proprietary binary libraries which we cannot include.

When including donation information, the relevant donation links (e.g. Bitcoin/ PayPal/Flattr/etc) must also be available either:

  • In a README or similar file in the projects source code.
  • On the applications main website.
  • If the software is hosted on GitLab, then it is sufficient that the person requesting donation info to be added to the nethunter-storedata repository is the same user account which manages the application source code.

This is to prevent arbitrary people from maliciously changing the donation links of applications in the main NetHunter repository without the consent of upstream developers.

For more information on adding applications to the NetHunter Repository, see the Inclusion How-To.